Staff Spotlight- Meet Eden Pecha

In our next spotlight, we feature Eden Pecha. Ms. Pecha is one of our special education teachers. Let's learn more about her!
Staff Member: Eden Pecha
Years at Olde Creek: This is my fourth year!
What do you love about working at Olde Creek? How supportive everybody is! Not only are people willing to help each other out, but they're actually excited to collaborate and work together. Also, I love how culturally diverse our OC community is, and love that we get different opportunities to share our amazing cultural differences throughout the year!
What are some of your hobbies/interests? I love baking, reading, writing, and traveling. I've been to 26 countries and 6 continents!
What is your favorite children's book? My favorite children's books are That's Not My Name! by Anoosha Syed and Our Favorite Day of the Year by A. E. Ali. And of course, Harry Potter!
What is your favorite inspirational quote? “If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.” -Maria Edgeworth
We love having Ms. Pecha at Olde Creek! Thank you for all you do for our OC bears!